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 Coven Auranox is a spiritual Pagan group practicing under the Goddess Manifest tradition. Our group was founded  with the intention to offer spiritual services to both Pagans and the general community. We intend to strengthen Pagan connection, communication, and understanding within our surrounding community.


Our motto is our mission statement. As a whole we strive to bring understanding to society about our history, spiritual practices, traditions, and way of life. Our goal is to eliminate the die-hard fear and prejudice against the Pagan religion,  the Wiccan religion and Witchcraft as a whole. We organize yearly Sabbat rituals, seasonal ritual events, a myriad of social events, and certain services are offered to the public.

  (Please see our Services page.)


The time we are given in this life is precious, and we strive to make the best of it for both ourselves and others of all walks of life. One individual can only forge so much change, but we need to work through fear and misunderstanding. If we unite, the possibilities for change are limitless.


This is what we do, this is who we are. This is Coven Auranox.


Blessed Be.


(website is currently under construction)

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